How do you pry people away from their TVs and long sessions of Game of Thrones, Billions and Breaking Bad? You tempt them to your restaurant with a TV-inspired menu – that’s how. Obviously.
We love this – some very savvy restaurateurs are attempting to make the most of the nation’s thirst for box sets by introducing menus that cheekily nod to some of the most popular TV blockbusters of the last few years. Our blog of the week uncovers some of the best, which include an ‘All men must dine and wine’ menu (Game of Thrones), ‘Live like a billionaire’ boozy menu (Billions) and a £75 retro-styled ‘Modern American’ menu (Mad Men).
Ever fancied eating meat from the bone at a table that features a box of dragon eggs? Now you can.
It seems to be working, too…
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