The craft beer market is thriving, with small and independent brewers continuing to grow in double-digit figures. As such, restaurants and bars are regularly forced to decide which logos to place on their pumps and the types of bottles that should adorn their fridges.
There’s a good chance, however, that they haven’t thought a great deal about the kind of beers they should stop selling.
In our blog of the week, Uncorkd lifts the veil from a menu study which, among other findings, has discovered that interest in brown ales has dropped by a whopping 57%. Even fruit beers, which were once the darling of the hipster generation, have suffered a 33% drop in interest.
This piece is worth a read if only to help you suss out which of your stock is unlikely to move particularly quickly over the next few months. It should also give you a great steer on the types of beer you should be offering your customers in the age of the micro brewery.
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